The IRSN Scientific Council


The Scientific Council gives an opinion on IRSN programs. It examines program results in order to prepare recommendations on Institute strategy. It may be consulted by the Board’s chairperson or by the supervisory ministers on any subject that comes under the Institute’s authority. Its advice may be sought on any issue or operation that involves an IRSN commitment.

Members (as of september 28, 2021)

  • Robert Barouki

Professor of Biochemistry at University of Paris and head of the Inserm unit T3S: “Toxicology, Therapeutic Targets, cellular Signaling and Biomarkers”, head of the clinical metabolomics and proteomic biochemistry laboratory at the Necker Enfants malades hospital;
Scientific Council Chairman


  • Jean-Christophe Amabile

Brigadier General (Medical Doctor), Professor at the Military School of Val-de-Grâce, Director of the French Defence Radiation Protection Service (SPRA)


  • Christine Argillier

Research Director and Deputy Scientific Director of the Water Department at French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment


  • Bernard Bonin

Scientific Advisor for the Energy Division of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy  Commission (CEA)


  • Alain Kaufmann

Director of the ColLaboratory, a collaborative and participatory action research unit at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland)


  • Louis Laurent

Scientific Director at the French National Research and Safety Institute for occupational Risk Prevention (INRS)


  • Elsa Merle

Professor at the PHELMA Engineering School of Grenoble Institute of Technology


  • Michèle Sebag

Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Researches, Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Digital Sciences of the University of Paris Saclay


  • Pierre Toulhoat

President of the Environment and the impact of climate change Division at the National Academy of Technologies of France.


  • Marc Verwerft

Group Leader Fuel Materials at the Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie/Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucléaire [also known as the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre], Foundation of Public Utility, SCK CEN (Belgium)


  • Denis Veynante

Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Researches (CNRS), Deputy Director of the Open Data Direction