Calculation codes 2

IRSN has developed numerous calculation codes for nuclear safety and radiation protection. You will find below a list describing some of them.

Nuclear safety

List of calculation codes for nuclear safety.

The ASTEC software system

The ASTEC (Accident Source Term Evaluation Code) software system simulates all the phenomena involved in a core meltdown accident in a water-cooled reactor, from the initiating event to the release of radioactive products (known as the "source term") outside the containment


The aim of the FUEL+ software platform is to model the behaviour of nuclear fuel during normal, incidental and accidental operation, as well as during storage in a deactivation pool and transport for reprocessing


The purpose of the SCANAIR (Système de Codes pour l'ANalyse d'Accidents d'Insertion de Réactivité) calculation code is to simulate the thermomechanical behaviour of a fuel rod during a Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) in a pressurised water reactor (PWR)


The Draccar calculation software simulates a loss-of-coolant accident following, for example, the loss of reactor core cooling water or the dewatering of a fuel storage pool

The Moret code is a Monte Carlo code that simulates neutron transport in three-dimensional space

Radiation protection for people and the environment

List of calculation codes for radiation protection for people and the environment  


The Symbiose software platform can be used to simulate the impact on humans of radioactive contamination in the environment: it models the transport and transfer of the radiation source to the various environmental compartments, enabling the dose received by humans to be calculated


Eden calculates dose coefficients for non-human organisms, depending on their internal and external exposure conditions, for alpha, beta and gamma radiation from any radionuclide